- Principal Investigator(s): John P. Elder, PhD, MPH and Gregory Talavera, MD, MPH
- Project Funding Period: 05/01/2010-03/31/2015
- Project Funding Source: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
Overweight and obesity comprise the single biggest health threat to America’s children, and is a special problem for Mexican-American and other Latino youth. Clinic-based weight control studies have shown promise, but often include convenience samples with few or no Latino children. Funded by the National Institutes of Health, Luces de Cambio (Lights of Change) is a randomized controlled trial to study obesity prevention testing the traffic light concept as a basis for a weight maintenance program as compared to usual care. Green activities (e.g., running, playing “Red Light, Green Light,” family walks) and green foods (e.g., vegetables, low fat protein sources, water) are encouraged, while red activities (e.g., playing video games, watching TV) and red foods (e.g., sugary beverages, chips, candy) are discouraged. Study participants are 5-10 year old patients with a BMI % (for gender and age) between ≥ 75% to ≤ 98.9%. Recruited patients are randomized into either the usual care group or the special intervention group. Participants in the special intervention group receive a series of classes over 12 months, as well as booster calls and 2 visits with a health care provider.
The study’s goal is to recruit 390 child-parent dyads overall. A total of 205 have been recruited to date. Recruitment is scheduled to end by August 2014, special intervention activities are scheduled to end in January 2015. To measure outcomes, the study has participants complete a survey and measurement protocol (blood pressure, height, weight, labs) once every 6 months for a total of 4 times. Participants are paid for completing the survey/measurement portion.
San Ysidro Health Center
Contact Information
Nadia Campbell, MPH
Project Manager
T: (619) 594-2740
E: ncampbell@mail.sdsu.edu