The ECHO-SOL study is an ancillary study of HCHS/SOL that will provide for the first time, the largest dataset of echocardiographic parameters focused solely on US Hispanics with strong subgroup representation from Cuban, Puerto Rican, Mexican and South/Central American. The purpose of ECHO SOL is to help researchers understand how cardiovascular disease risk factors and social stress relate to cardiac structure and cardiac function among Hispanics. The four Field Centers, Chicago, Miami, Bronx and San Diego, will recruit a total of 1800 adults, 45 years and older, from the main HCHS/SOL cohort that will undergo an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) at time of exam to evaluate the heart size and the pumping function of the heart.

Specific Aims: (1) Establish a unique cohort to permit the study of cardiac structure and function among Hispanics (2) Assess the prevalence of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (LVH) among Hispanics (3) Assess the relative importance of both traditional and psychosocial/socioeconomic determinants of cardiac structure and function.

Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC (Study Coordinating Center and Reading Center for echocardiographic parameters) 
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC (Data Coordinating Center)
University of California at San Diego with San Diego State University, San Diego, CA (Field Center)
Albert Einstein School of Medicine, Yeshiva University Bronx, NY (Field Center)
Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL (Field Center)
University of Miami, School of Medicine, Miami FL (Field Center).

Project Web Address

Facebook Page

Contact Information
Johanne Blouin Hernandez, MBA, RN
Project Manager
T: (619) 205-1924