Shih-Fan “Sam” Lin, DrPH, CHES, Core Investigator

Shih-FanLin_CoreInvestigShih-Fan “Sam” Lin completed his doctorate degree in health promotion and education from Loma Linda University in 2009.  Following his graduate training, he joined Dr. Brian Finch’s research center, Center for Health Equity Research and Policy (CHERP), housed under IBACH in the summer of 2011. His  post-doctoral training focused on demography with an emphasis in social determinants of health. Sam is currently working on a NIMHD-funded study which investigates the temporal trends of racial health disparities on various health outcomes. His research focuses on age, period, and cohort trends of racial disparities in disabilities among U.S. older adults using the advanced statistical (cross-classified random effect) model. In addition to the interest in population health, he is also interested in falls prevention among older adults. His dissertation centers on older adults’ attitudes and beliefs about strength and balance training program that is conducive to falls prevention.

Shih-Fan “Sam” Lin is currently working on a NIMHD-funded study which investigates the temporal trends of racial health disparities on various health outcomes. His research focuses on age, period, and cohort trends of racial disparities in disabilities among U.S. older adults using the advanced statistical (cross-classified random effect) model. In this presentation, Sam will first provide an overview of the IHANES dataset which is normalized and compiled by the Center for Health Equity Research and Policy (CHERP). Then, a description of the age, period, and cohort trends for disability among U.S. adults aged 20-80 will follow. Finally, he will discuss chronic conditions that are responsible for the disability and explicate how these contributions change across a broad range of ages, periods, and cohorts.


Current Research Project(s)
A Social Demography of Racial Health Disparities

Curriculum Vitae
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